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Article: How To Feel Body Positive For The Holidays

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How To Feel Body Positive For The Holidays

Are You In A Holiday Body Slump? There's so much pressure this time of year to feel nothing but happiness and cheer... The holidays are often a time when self-care and body positivity can take a hit. The truth is, many of us are so busy handling our day-to-day tasks and getting ready for the holidays, that we start to neglect ourselves. Before we know it, it’s January 1st, and we’re struggling to get back on track from a month spent, eating, drinking and stressing out. Don’t let yourself get swept up in this downhill spiral. There are just a few simple steps you can take each day to make sure you don’t get lost in the shuffle this holiday season and maintain body positivity.

Try These Tips at Home to Stay Body Positive This Holiday Season

1. Only Wear Clothes You Love

We know it’s tempting to pull on sweatpants and an oversized hoodie to run holiday errands but taking a few minutes to choose an outfit that makes you feel good will have a big impact on how you feel throughout the day. This doesn’t mean you should aim for the dolled-up, fancy look (although that can be fun, too!); shoot for silhouettes that complement your body type and make you feel like a million bucks. Many holiday party dresses are stylish and comfy, too! Add your favorite pair of Bandelettes and skip the pantyhose. You’ll feel sexy, confident, and ready to take on the day… guaranteed! Walking dogs to reduce holiday guilt

2. Incorporate Movement into Your Day

It’s easy to let healthy habits slip in the busy festive season, but it’s important to maintain your exercise schedule at this time of year. The January blues are no joke, but exercise can help you maintain a positive mood and a healthy body. You’ve probably heard it a dozen times but working out will make you feel better in every way. Just getting your heart rate up – even if it’s for a short period of time – will give you an endorphin boost that will last for hours. Find an activity you enjoy and go for it! Fitting a short workout into your day will also make you feel in control, because you’ll have some routine built into this busy season. Aim for the same time daily but allow for flexibility. Any workout anytime is better than none. A winter’s walk after a festive dinner can be a great way to spend quality time with family.

3. Do Something Just for You Every Day

This is an important step in everyone’s daily life that often gets moved to the back burner… especially this time of year. If you take the time to do something you love on a regular basis – whether it’s taking a bubble bath, reading a chapter of a book, or having a phone date with a friend – you’ll feel more grounded, which is good for your overall health. If you take care of you first, you’ll be in a better position to tend to everything else that needs to be done. Self-care is not selfish; it’s essential to feeling positive.

4. Make Plans for The New Year

Even if you are taking the holidays in stride, many people get hit with the post-holiday blues after the gifts have been opened and the family has gone home. Plan a weekend getaway or a day out with friends in January. This will give you something to look forward to that is not holiday-related. Writing your New Year’s resolutions can also help set a positive outlook and a clear plan for the year ahead.

5. Give A Compliment & You Shall Receive

Feeling good about yourself often starts with making others feel great, too. While there are many physical things you can give over the holidays, sometimes the most important things you give are words. Lift the people in your life with positive compliments. So often we worry over the holidays about what to wear or what criticism we might receive from our family. Take a proactive approach to giving compliments this year, you’ll be sure to receive some in return. AKA Holiday Guilt Cookies - Yum!

6. Banish Holiday Guilt

Forgive yourself for any over indulgences. We can be cruelest to ourselves, and the holidays are one of the worst times of year for spiraling into a bad mindset. Most of us take things to excess over the holidays, whether by overeating, overdrinking or under sleeping. But all healthy habits must come with moderation, that’s why this time of year only comes once a year. You’re bound to make mistakes, and heck- you may even repeat those mistakes every single year, but it’s ok. Banish the holiday guilt and show yourself some kindness. Enjoy yourself! What do you do to stress less and feel positive in body and mind over the holidays? We’d love to know! If you need inspiration, read our comprehensive guide to looking and feeling great - both inside and out: Your Ultimate Guide To Body Positivity. Wishing our Bandelette customer family happy, healthy holidays!