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About Bandelettes®

Our goal is to create comfortable and sexy lingerie that is a both practical and beautiful – 
to embrace curves and enhance self-confidence.

Our Mission

We believe everybody and every body deserves to feel comfortable and confident. Painful inner thigh chafing is a problem that affects women of all shapes, sizes, and lifestyles, hindering their opportunity to wear the clothes and do the activities they love. With our patented anti-chafing designs, we provide an attractive and discreet solution that prevents irritation and promotes confidence. Discover the new category in lingerie with Bandelettes®.

Bandelettes® Thigh Bands have created a new category of lingerie.

Sexy and chic, they put an end to the thigh chafing so many women suffer from, regardless of shape or size.

Born Out of Pure Passion

For years, Julia Abasova had been experiencing painful thigh chafing. A simple pleasure like wearing a dress or skirt had become a challenge. Like many women, she never talked about it; she just suffered quietly. To cope, she even handmade spandex thigh bands that she used for years, unaware that they would soon become the first Bandelettes® prototype.

One day, over a cup of tea, Julia decided to confess her "issue" to her friend, Rena Abramoff. After some research, they discovered just how common this problem was. Women all around the world were also struggling with thigh chafing!

And the rest is history! Together, Rena and Julia created Bandelettes® Thigh Bands — the first fashionable, comfortable, and even sexy solution to thigh chafing.

Today, Bandelettes® has expanded its lingerie line to include other ultra-comfortable undergarments for women of all shapes and sizes: